  • To encourage students to read maths game / puzzle book in their leisure time;
  • To give a brief introduction to maths game / puzzle books which can be found in school library so that students can be more easy to understand the books;
  • To encourage to better use the library resource to enrich maths horizon


Mr. Ivan Chan 's Recommendation
Book : 數學女孩﹣費馬最後定理
Author : 結城浩
Publisher : 世茂出版有限公司
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

這本書是最受日本中學生歡迎的科普作品之一,它運用了小說中人物的對話來深入淺出地解說了不同的數學原理,例如運用時鐘來說明整數的性質 (完全循環的條件),運用果汁機來道出畢氏定理。除此之外,作者還用其他生動有趣的例子來講及反證法、餘數的定義、無窮遞減法、歐拉公式等,以至利用這些數學基礎來說明一個困擾了數學家三百多年的一個疑惑:何為費馬最後定理!
題目2.1(見書第8頁): 時鐘巡迴, 一個時鐘,中間相隔一個點,用線將點連結起來的結果是這樣的:


Mr. Chan Tsz Fung 's Recommendation
Book : 數學女孩﹣費馬最後定理
Author : 結城浩
Publisher : 世茂出版有限公司
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

書中提到的課題有: 畢氏定理、互質、反證法、複數、同餘、群、環、體、無窮遞減法、歐拉公式和費馬最後定理。正如作者所言,書中的數學問題「從簡單到小學生都懂得的部分到困擾了數學家們長達三百五十年的世紀之謎」,「如遇到無法理解公式涵意的時候,不妨先跳過卡住的部分,暫且隨著故事情節發展往下走」或許之後會發現有趣的事唷。對初中生而言,至少頭四章應該都是能夠應付的。

Miss Constance Cheung 's Recommendation
Book :


Author :


Publisher :


Call No : 314.1 4490
Reflections :



其後的數學家建議用極限概念,由此定義出無窮小.連續.導數.與積分,從而建立微積分.利用極限,我們可以處理一些難纏的概念問題.例如:一尺之棰,日取其半,萬世不竭,但可窮盡.但一尺之棰,逐日取1/4, 1/8, 1/16,....就不能窮盡了.


Mr. Wesley Choi 's Recommendation
Book : The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics
Author : Clifford A. Pickover
Publisher :


Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

If you used not to read math leisure readings because of the following reasons:
(i)        scared about the complicated mathematical symbols and content;
(ii)       it usually needs to take me long time to read, usually stop at some places that take time to think before move on; and
(iii)      the content and the page outline are dull,
then this would be a new light for you in looking at math books.

The Math book is not a technical one in terms of its content, but a book which is written for a general audience who do not necessarily have much background in mathematics. It contains 250 single-page articles on milestones in the history of mathematics. Each article, arranged in chronological order, is followed by a related full-page color image – some of them are stunning computer generated images. Each article is short and self-contained, and is easy to read in a few minutes at a time. You can just pick some of those that you are familiar with such as Tic Tac Toe, Pythagorean Theorem and Triangles, Law of Cosine,  Platonic Solids, Zero, Discovery of Series Formula for p, Logarithms, Pascal’ Triangles, Discovery of Calculus, Euler’s number e, Pigeonhole Principle, Rubik’s Cube etc. Though there are contents which are related to advanced math topics, the author is trying to press it and to explain the simplest overview of them and their significance in the development of mathematics at different stages. He rarely attempts to actually convey understanding of them so that it is easy for the reader to read through.

I would especially recommend this book to those who are currently or would like to study math extensive modules in senior secondary. It will not immediately drive you to the success in studying mathematics, but could be able bring you to a delighted realm in mathematics if you already have a slight inclination towards it.

Miss Linda Chung 's Recommendation
Book : 典雅的幾何
Author : 倫迪
Publisher : 天下遠見出版
Call No : 316  2822
Reflections :

這本書其實是兩個作者所著的,第一部是Lundy, M寫的「神聖的幾何」;而第二部是Sutton, D所整理的「柏拉圖與阿基米德立體」。

Mrs Yvonne Hui's Recommendation
Book : Maths Olympiad [Advanced]
Author : Terry Chew
Publisher : Singapore Asian Publications
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is a worldwide mathematics competition which held in over 80 countries annually. The paper consists of six problems, which chosen from various areas of secondary school mathematics. The solutions are usually short and elementary. No knowledge of higher mathematics is required.

This book is target to those who are interested in knowing more about this competition. Moreover, the problems in this book are good for form one to four students in revising Hong Kong secondary mathematics curriculum. Analyses and explanations in examples are easy to understand. The intermediate-level practice questions encourage students to enhance their problem-solving skills.

Mr. Kit Kar Mun's Recommendation
TV series:

Numb3rs -- Season 2, episode 5 – ‘Assassin’

Author :  
Publisher :  
Call No :  
Reflections :

“We all use math every day; to predict weather, to tell time, to handle money. Math is more than formulas or equations; it's logic, it's rationality, it's using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know.”  - opening credits.

The opening credits gives a neat little answer to the question “When do we ever use Maths in real life?” Of course, it doesn’t answer the question “When will I ever need to use the cosine formula?” (the answer is probably never, BTW), but it does demonstrate how many people think Maths is so much more complex than it is. I’ve had many a student who claims that they “can’t do Maths”, and yet are able to tell me strange and complicated things such as the fact that I get things cheaper per item at the supermarket if I use a certain credit card on certain days of the week, in combination with certain other products when they are on special offer, plus I get more free stamps to boot!

But I digress…Numb3rs (note the fancy 3 instead of the e) is a US TV show that uses Maths to solve crimes. The premise is simple; every episode, FBI agent Don Eppes is challenged with solving a new crime, and he needs the help of his genius Mathematician younger brother Charlie (who is also a university professor) to crack the case. Each week, new mathematical theories are introduced and utilized to solve different crimes from murder to theft. Charlie (our Maths genius) will dazzle us with complicated maths speak (which is strangely easy to guess the meaning of) that most people won’t be too put off by, leaving us with moments where we might think “so THAT’S where Maths can be useful!” To top it all off, the Maths in each episode is guaranteed to be correct. The Wolfram website even has a dedicated blog explaining the maths behind each episode and how it was used to solve it!

In the episode ‘Assassins’ which I’m reviewing, two of my favourite topics are broached; crytanalysis (how to break a code) and game theory are used to decipher a hitman’s messages and then to second, and triple guess him into apprehending him before he can kill his target. In this episode, the maths is an ok match for the plot, but this is not always the case. While the maths is always correct, the story is written and then the Maths is added into the script. So while I can see the connection between the theory and the application, it does sometimes leave me with a sense of “Yeah! Right! As if that’s ever gonna happen!” It’s often a case of overcomplicating a rather simple problem, or rather, it takes Charlie half an episode to come up with complicated equations that takes up 3 blackboards to come up with an answer that police profiler could come up with in a few minutes.

With those down points aside, I must say that the Maths is quite seamlessly integrated into a polished TV series. The dialogue is snappy, the plot moves on at a smooth pace, and it never really gets stuck on certain parts for too long. So for fans of crime series like CSI or Bones, or for those who want to get a glimpse of what Maths CAN be used for, Numb3rs is definitely worth a try!

Ms. Monica Lau's Recommendation
Book : 為什麼要學數學
Author : 郭嵩
Publisher : 海鴿
Call No : 310 0742
Reflections :

一直在課堂上所學的有理數、無理數(rational & irrational numbers)、畢氏定理(Pythagoras theorem),同學一定很熟練它們的運算和操作了。但可知道它們被發現的因由、派系爭鬥的歷史和它們如何被廣泛應用在大大小小的研究、建設上?透過這些短淺而有趣的歷史小故事,精簡而常見的生活難題,也許會令你對一直以為沉悶的數學改觀,更有興趣。

Ms. Katie Leung's Recommendation
Book : 生活的數學
Author : 羅浩源
Publisher : 九章
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

從幼稚園開始,香港學生便要學習數學,但不少學生升讀中學後都經常問?一個問題:學習這些數學課題有何用?我們日常生活不只要需要運用加減乘除了吧?其實在日常生活中,我們可以用數學方法去理解周遭的事物。譬如我們可以從黃金分割(golden section)理解女士們愛穿高跟鞋的理由,什麼高度的高跟鞋才會令自己身段顯得較美。喜歡打籃球的同學亦可以二次函數(quadratic function)理解為何較高的拋物線會有較大的「穿針」機會,並因應自己的跳躍高度計算出最有利的投籃距離和角度。讀完此書,大家便會發現我們過去所學的數學並一無事處,可以跟數學扯上關係的東西其實多的是,關鍵是懂不懂用和會不會用

Mr. Joseph Ng 's Recommendation
Book : 愛上數學的14堂課
Author : 新井紀子(許慧貞譯)
Publisher : 世茂出版集團
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

            S E N D
+        M O R E__
          M O N E Y

Mr. Victor Ng 's Recommendation
Book : 數學和數學家的故事1
Author : 李學數
Publisher : 廣角鏡出版社
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

答對了,這就是「費波那契數列(Fibonacci sequence)」。



Mr. Henry Siu 's Recommendation
Book :


Author : 哈爾.海爾曼
Publisher : 博雅書屋(繁體)、復旦大學出版社(簡體)
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :



Miss Janice Suen 's Recommendation
Book : 這樣想,數學就變簡單了!
Author : 王擎天博士
Publisher :  風信子文化
Call No : 523.32 1010
Reflections :

數學科? 在一些人的眼中, 是沉悶和討厭的。 因為經常做錯數學題, 成績又不太好, 便幾乎失去了學習興趣。所以, 很多老師和同學都認為:要學得好, 不外乎是多整理重點, 多做習題, 多測驗 (即是採用“題海戰術”), 多提問和多做考試檢討。這種學習方法在執行時需要很堅強的毅力。缺點是流于記憶層次, 比較偏重于用來應付考試, 對於真正數學精神的培養和邏輯思考的訓練不一定會有很大的幫助。

於是, 作者提出一種“直觀式系統性數學學習方法”, 並稱之為“學好數學的五個捷徑: 大膽try, 分段think, 圖像look, 運算simplify, 推演logical”, 以求在解題時真正達到靈活思考的層次, 並體會出數學是有用的。作者王擎天博士見解獨到, 經驗豐富, 講解深入淺出, 例子的程度從初中到高中都有。這是一本學習數學學習方法的好書, 相信你閱後一定可以得益!

Mr. Kenneth Tang's Recommendation
Book : 數學史 (The History of Mathematics)
Author : 朱家生
Publisher :


Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

Knowing more about the history of mathematics gets you acquainted with this particular area of study in history. It also let you understand the development of mathematics and discover the reason of learning mathematics. You may then start to appreciate the many mathematicians from various countries across previous 5000 years.

Even though you cannot follow all the mathematics ideas in the book, you can still know more about mathematics from a cultural point of view – how human activities affect the growth of mathematics, how mathematics interact with other disciplines of study, and how different people behave in exploring new aspects of mathematics, etc.

This book is written with mathematics and for mathematics, but not just about mathematics. Have fun!

Mr. Steve Tsang's Recommendation
Book : 數學奧林匹亞特訓班的一年
Author : 史帝夫奧森(Steve Olson), 齊若蘭譯
Publisher : 大眾科學館
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

你心目中的數學奧林匹克比賽的參賽者是怎樣的呢?是天才?是怪人?為什麼他們的數學能力都那麼好?是天資聰敏還是後天努力?這本書追?採訪美國奧數代表隊的幾位成員,記錄了他們的成長故事。既然是關於奧數成員,此書當然也收錄了一些具挑戰性的題目及成員們具創意的思考方法和過程,例如,用”圖像思考”幫助解題。除此之外,本書還有簡單提及一些著名的數學故事,例如Andrew Wiles與世隔絕,用了七年的時間證明了費馬最後定理。

Mr. Michael Yip's Recommendation
Book : How to solve it – The classic introduction to mathematical problem-solving
Author :

George Polya

Publisher : Penguin Science
Call No : To be confirmed
Reflections :

Obviously, this is a book about solving mathematic problem. However, the author does not aim to teach the readers some new methods or techniques to solve problems. Instead, he introduces strategies and thinking steps that we can adapt to tackle questions that require us to find a solution or to prove something. Also, this book is intelligently designed for both teachers and students. While showing many different types of problem, the author also includes some dialogues between teacher and students. These dialogues show clearly how students can be guided through questions asked by their teacher. Very often, when coming across complicated questions, students have no idea how to start, how to connect the theories they have learned, how to construct working steps and how to check if their results are correct. If students are capable of asking themselves some useful questions step by step, the problem may not be as scary as they first see it. I highly recommend this book to all of you and I hope that you can equip yourselves good questioning strategies to guide yourselves to solve problems. Even when teacher is not here, you can still solve it!